Recently, I needed to replace a particular query string parameter in a log file containing thousands of URLs with the same query parameter. I tried the regular expression search, which helped in achieving it.
example log
2023-23-12 HTTP://someurl.com?a=5&b=2&c=3
2023-23-12 HTTP://someurl.com?a=1&b=2&c=3
2023-23-12 HTTP://someurl.com?a=7&b=5&c=3
2023-23-12 HTTP://someurl.com?a=1&b=2&c=3
2023-23-12 HTTP://someurl.com?a=7&b=2&c=3
Let’s say you want to remove all a=<value> in this text edit. You can follow the steps below:
1. Enable .* to enable regular expression search
2. Enter search expression a=(.?&), which means select the text beginning within an a until the first occurrence of an ampersand.
3. Replace with what you want. You can replace all values to some number like 11 by putting a=11 or keep the replace text empty to remove the parameter in the text file.